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감상안이 있는 영어로


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  • appreciatory
  • grateful
  • 있는    interred; present; being
  • 총안이 있는 흉벽    battlement
  • 총안이 있는 성의 흉벽    crenel; crenelle
  • 이름 변경 제안이 있는 미디어    Wikipedia files requiring renaming
  • 안이    ease
  • 감상    감상 [感想] [생각] one's thoughts; [인상] one's impression(s); sentiments; [느낌] feelings. ~을 말하다 give[state] one's impressions . ~을 묻다 ask for opinion / sound on a subject. 한국에 오신 ~은 어떻습니까 How does Korea
  • 안이한    neglectful; abandoning; negligent; comfortable; facile; easy; worry-free; heedless
  • 안이현    Anyi County
  • 감상 소설    Sentimental novel
  • 감상가    assessor; estimator; appreciator
  • 감상력    감상력 [鑑賞力] an appreciative power; an eye . ~이 있다 have a keen appreciation / have powers of appreciation / have an eye / have an artist's eye. ~이 없다 have no eye / have no appreciation / be inappre
  • 값싼 감상    mush; slop
  • 두안이쉬엔    Duan Yixuan
  • 룽취안이구    Longquanyi District
  • 안이쉬안    Ady An
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